Monday, February 8, 2010

Providence...And I don't mean Rhode Island

(Partially completed blog post that I never posted. Finally posted on 1.11.11)

I'll be honest. I don't know the exact theological definition of providence. I would imagine it depends on what paradigm you are coming from. I see providence as the hand of God guiding one's life. This isn't something that is forced or that one cannot avoid. It is the sense that God's hand is on one's life and he is "setting you up." That's my take at least. We don't have to respond to this guiding and "opening doors" if you will.

I look at my life and journey over the past year and a half or so and I clearly see God at work. Pieces of my life that I would have never thought worked together, did. I am in seminary on a scholarship that pushed me to go full-time. I'm living in C