Sunday, May 9, 2010

I am the Elder Son

I am the elder son.

In the Bible, the story of the prodigal son is found in Luke 15:11-32. In this story, there are two sons. The younger son asks for his share of the inheritance before his father has died. This may not seem like a large issue, as the giving of inheritances are often done preemptive to avoid large tax bills. This is not the case in this story. No tax laws spoken of. For the younger son to ask for his inheritance early is the same as wishing that his father were dead. The father complies and gives his younger son his half of the inheritance. The young son, being the idiot that he is, blows all his money on partying and women. As would be expected, once his money is exhausted so are his friends' interests in him. He gets a minimum wage job on a farm, where he realizes that he living much worse than that of living at home in the comfort of his father's provision.

He begins his journey home, all the while devising a plan to convince his father to take him back as a servant. He probably wasn't desiring to stay as a servant, maybe just long enough to get in his father's good graces again. Penitence and all. The father, who really should be the main character in this story, sees his son from far off. He is overwhelmed with joy and runs to meet him. When the father makes it to his wearied and weathered son, he throws his arms around him and embraces him and kisses him. He is overcome with emotion. The son tries his planned speech but his father will have none of it. No son of his will be a servant. He puts on him the best clothes and a ring, which signified his sonship, and threw him a huge party.

Great story.

Except this is where I come in.

I am the older son.

The older son has been working hard in the field. He didn't leave his father. He couldn't imagine doing that to his father. He wouldn't leave him high and dry like his younger brother. That wasn't an option. His work load had actually increased since his irresponsible and lazy brother had left. Who did his brother think he was? Didn't he know how much it hurt his father when he asked for his inheritance early and then left? Doesn't he think of other people's feeling?


The older son would never do that.

He couldn't.

Someone had to do the right thing.

This was his lot in life.

Do the right thing.

(And secretly wonder what it would be like to not care and do whatever he wanted.)

But that was not an option.

I am the older son.

So the older son returns home from working in the fields, managing and supervising his father's servants. It had been a long day. Hot. Some days he wanted to leave it all, but that wasn't an option. He was the obedient son. He was the faithful one. And then he hears music. Wow. He works all day then someone throws a party which he wasn't invited to. Not that it was completely surprising. He wasn't always the most fun to be around. He struggled with just letting go and having a good time.

The music. What was the reason for the celebration?

He called for his personal servant. He would know what was going on. He couldn't believe what his servant was saying. His younger brother was home. He finally came back. The older brother knew that it was only time before he came back. He always got into trouble and needed help getting out. So dependent on others. Why couldn't he just figure out how to live without always needing help. Asking for the inheritance early. Why didn't he just save up or work hard like the older brother? And now coming back home. If he wanted to come home so badly, he should have got a good job, saved up, and then paid the father back for the inheritance. You should never come back empty handed. Especially after the stunt that his younger brother pulled.

But his father. How could he! How could he throw a party for this irresponsible kid! How dare he show a positive response to him! Wouldn't that only stand to encourage his younger brother to do something awful like this again. Daddy will always clean up your messes. The older brother knew that the secret to his life was to do as little as possible that required the help of others. He didn't want to depend on others. He knew that if he did what was right, stayed around, worked hard, was faithful, didn't do anything to cause his father's disapproval, then maybe he would finally feel accepted and worthwhile. He just had to keep going. Keep trying to be better. Be more faithful. Work harder. Grow the father's business. Increase productivity. Manage the father's possessions with greater care than his own. But not the younger son. He thought of nothing like this. It wouldn't have entered his mind to serve his father or put others before himself. Never.

He decided that he couldn't, he wouldn't enter this party. It was the principle of it. He didn't want to show approval of what his brother did. And if he celebrated his return, that might show the younger brother that it wasn't a big deal what he did. And it was a big deal. The older brother thought that maybe he could go into the party but only if he went straight to his younger brother and told him off. Yes. That would be the best response, BUT people would think quite poorly of the older brother if he did that. He couldn't risk his family, friends, and servants see him angry and bitter.


That wouldn't do.

The best decision was to stay outside of the party. Maybe everyone would think that he was still working.


That was the solution.

Save face and remain angry, bitter, and judgmental outside of the party. He would have the opportunity to tell his father and brother what he thought about this whole thing.

But he would not have that option. The father heard that the son was back from the fields and was refusing to enter the party.

"Son, please. Please come in and celebrate your brother's return!"

"Look how many years I've stayed here serving you, never giving you one moment of grief, but have you ever thrown a party for me and my friends? Then this son of yours who has thrown away your money on whores shows up and you go all out with a feast!" (Luke 15:28-30, The Message)

I am the older son.

I have stayed. I have always stayed.

I have been faithful. Mostly.

I have served the Father. I have sought to be obedient in (almost) every way. I always thought of others feelings (and sometimes how those feelings would affect me.) I was always conscious of how I would make my Father look if I acted certain ways. I didn't want people to be disillusioned about my Father by my actions and words (or reject me.) My life has been one of pleasing. Everybody. If I could just do everything right, make everything right, fix everything and everybody, then life would be good. Then I would be accepted. Then I would be loved. Then all in the world would be right.

I have never understood those who do whatever they want to, seemingly without a care for others. Others' feelings. Others' acceptance. Don't they care about being looked upon well? How could they risk all of that? Success. Approval. Acceptance. Failure. Condemnation. Rejection.

It is painful to attempt to do everything right. To make everyone happy. To please everyone. To not live your life to meet your own needs all the time. To live with this belief that somehow you are missing out. That something is missing. But you are doing everything right. Or at least trying to.

Then a party is thrown for the rebellious and arrogant younger brother. I get no party. I get responsibilities. Duties. Tasks. Praise for faithfulness to that which seems lifeless. Praise for being consistent. Praise for serving others. For putting others first. Inside, I was, and sometimes still am, bitter that I have played life safe thinking that I needed to in order to be approved and not rejected.

Evidently this isn't true. Because my younger brother is being celebrated and showered with love, acceptance, approval, affirmation without having been successful or productive or even faithful.

Something in this equation is wrong.

I am the older son.

Where's my party?

My Father says, "Son. My beloved son. Everything I have has
always been yours! In my heart, in my mind, and even in my eyes, you are always with me. I haven't gone anywhere. I am always accessible to you. And I would have given you anything that was mine for you to celebrate and enjoy with your friends. I have never wanted your time at home with me to be restrictive. My heart is for you live life to the fullest. This will always be your home and you have always been loved by me. You are my son. Period. Nothing you do or don't do will change that. Haven't I proven that by how I am loving and celebrating your brother? You are accepted. You are approved. You belong. Rest in knowing that I love you!"

And this is the part that I really love about the father in the story and our Heavenly Father.

He doesn't let the older son or me remain in my self-centered bitter upheaval. He doesn't cancel the party so that he can continue to encourage me and love me. I need to believe the words that He has said to me. I need to trust Him. For He is still overwhelmed with excitement and extravagant love for the younger son and this party for His son must go on!

"...but this is a wonderful time, and we had to celebrate. This brother of yours was dead, and he's alive! He was lost, and he's found!" (Luke 15:31-32, The Message)

I am the older son.

But I am beginning to embrace the Father's words to me. I cannot earn his love, acceptance, or approval. I don't have to live in the fear of failing Him. My older brother, Jesus, lived a perfect life and did everything so that my failures would no longer count against me. There has always been so much love and life for me to receive from simply being with my Father and believing the all that He has said to me and done for me.

I choose to believe. And receive.

The Father's unconditional love and acceptance of me.

"God is love. When we take up permanent residence in a life of love, we live in God and God lives in us. This way, love has the run of the house, becomes at home and mature in us, so that we're free of worry on Judgment Day—our standing in the world is identical with Christ's. There is no room in love for fear. Well-formed love banishes fear. Since fear is crippling, a fearful life—fear of death, fear of judgment—is one not yet fully formed in love." (1 John 4:17-18. The Message)


  1. Stumbled across your blog. Wow. This moved me so deeply. So real and raw and relatable to my life. Really good, Matt.

  2. Hey Kelley! Thanks :) I don't blog very often but this one kind of just came out of me, ya know. Hope things are going well out there in Sunny CA.
